Div. of Cariology Operative Dentistry and Endodontics

Professor  NOIRI Yuichiro


Our Education

Operative Dentistry

Our Research

The division conducts research on a wide variety of topics related to conservative dentistry.
The dental biofilm is the main cause of dental caries and their sequelae. We have not only developed control strategies for the oral biofilm but have also conducted comprehensive in vitro and in situ studies of oral biofilm bacteria and systemic health. Many achievements have been made in field of research. Our institution has steadfastly maintained its position as one of the top-ranked organizations in oral biofilm research in Japan. We have also been active in pulp-related research. The laboratory has received international recognition for its research on the development, repair, and regeneration of the dentin-pulp complex as well as the experimental pathology (especially the histological and morphological findings) of pulpal and apical periodontal diseases. The scope of this research has recently expanded to include pulp regeneration (immortalization of teeth), development of new treatments and therapeutic agents for refractory apical periodontal diseases, and physical properties and biocompatibility of endodontic materials. Many international students have come to Japan to study under our research team.
In addition, the research of root surface caries, which is a pressing issue in Japan, has expanded to include reconsideration of the etiology of such carries and themes related to their prevention and management. This research has resulted in numerous achievements commensurate with the external funding received.

Clinical Fields

The dental clinic uses state-of-the-art treatment methods and equipment to prevent, diagnose, and treat a variety of diseases, including the following.
1) Dental diseases: dental caries, tooth fractures (broken teeth), occlusion/abrasion (worn-out teeth), tooth dysplasia, tooth discoloration/coloring, dentin hypersensitivity (tooth stinging), and others.
2) Pulp disease (disease of the nerve of the tooth, often characterized by tooth stinging and pain).
3) Root canal disease (disease of the root of the tooth, often characterized by pain when chewing and swelling of the root of the tooth).
Our office specializes in high-precision root canal treatment (nerve removal treatment, root treatment) using advanced equipment such as dental microscopes, treatment of carious teeth using materials that bond to the teeth (synthetic resin fillings of natural color are made on site with as little tooth grinding as possible), and teeth whitening (bleaching). In addition, we have established outpatient clinics where we offer specialized services.
Conservative Treatments Using a Dental Microscope
 Use of a dental microscope allows us to provide highly accurate and successful treatment for intractable root apex periodontitis, surgical endodontic treatment, and conservative restorative treatment.

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Research Figures
