Div. of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

Professor  HAYASHI Takafumi



Our Education

 Oral and maxillofacial radiology

Our Research

The diagnostic imaging section covers all aspects of diagnostic imaging in the maxillofacial region and focuses on improving the diagnostic accuracy of oral cancer and cervical lymph node metastasis. We are also working on unique initiatives such as introducing artificial intelligence and radiomics to the field of diagnostic imaging as well as developing T2 mapping and diffusion-weighted imaging for magnetic resonance imaging and intraoral ultrasonographic diagnostic equipment.
The oral care section aims to maintain and improve feeding function and quality of life through oral care before, during, and after treatment, preventing adverse events in patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. In particular, we are promoting a variety of approaches from basic and clinical perspectives regarding oral hygiene management methods and various devices to ensure the completion of radiation therapy.

Clinical Fields

The dental clinic uses state-of-the-art treatment methods and equipment to prevent, diagnose, and treat a variety of diseases, including the following.
1) Dental diseases: dental caries, tooth fractures (broken teeth), occlusion/abrasion (worn-out teeth), tooth dysplasia, tooth discoloration/coloring, dentin hypersensitivity (tooth stinging), and others.
2) Pulp disease (disease of the nerve of the tooth, often characterized by tooth stinging and pain).
3) Root canal disease (disease of the root of the tooth, often characterized by pain when chewing and swelling of the root of the tooth).
Our office specializes in high-precision root canal treatment (nerve removal treatment, root treatment) using advanced equipment such as dental microscopes, treatment of carious teeth using materials that bond to the teeth (synthetic resin fillings of natural color are made on site with as little tooth grinding as possible), and teeth whitening (bleaching). In addition, we have established outpatient clinics where we offer specialized services.
Conservative Treatments Using a Dental Microscope
 Use of a dental microscope allows us to provide highly accurate and successful treatment for intractable root apex periodontitis, surgical endodontic treatment, and conservative restorative treatment.

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