Div. of Orthodontics




Our Education


Our Research

The following research is conducted in th Division of Orthodontics.
●Facial aesthetics in association with orthodontic treatment
●Three-dimensional analysis of hard and soft tissues in surgical orthodontic cases
●Biomechanical analysis of the orthodontic movement of the teeth and jaws
●Developmental research of cleft lip and/or palate
●Effect of presurgical nasoalveolar molding on improvement of labionasal morphology
●Periodontal tissue changes associated with orthodontic treatment
●Development of three-dimensional analysis system for evaluation of study casts
●Changes in mastication and deglutition functions in patients with dentofacial deformities who undergo surgical orthodontic treatment
●Long-term stability after orthodontic treatment
●Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and dentofacial morphology

Clinical Fields

The dental clinic uses state-of-the-art treatment methods and equipment to prevent, diagnose, and treat a variety of diseases, including the following.
1) Dental diseases: dental caries, tooth fractures (broken teeth), occlusion/abrasion (worn-out teeth), tooth dysplasia, tooth discoloration/coloring, dentin hypersensitivity (tooth stinging), and others.
2) Pulp disease (disease of the nerve of the tooth, often characterized by tooth stinging and pain).
3) Root canal disease (disease of the root of the tooth, often characterized by pain when chewing and swelling of the root of the tooth).
Our office specializes in high-precision root canal treatment (nerve removal treatment, root treatment) using advanced equipment such as dental microscopes, treatment of carious teeth using materials that bond to the teeth (synthetic resin fillings of natural color are made on site with as little tooth grinding as possible), and teeth whitening (bleaching). In addition, we have established outpatient clinics where we offer specialized services.
Conservative Treatments Using a Dental Microscope
 Use of a dental microscope allows us to provide highly accurate and successful treatment for intractable root apex periodontitis, surgical endodontic treatment, and conservative restorative treatment.

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Research Figures